9336-(#2) Frank Morgan (1905-1985)
Frank Morgan was a rancher in Harney County, and was Bill Brown’s last buckaroo boss in 1932-1933.
This photo was published on pg. 106 of Gray, Edward “William Bill Brown ...”. His biography is on pg. 91-92.
An oral history of Frank Morgan is in the Harney County Public Library oral project #70.
This photo session produced three different negatives of Frank Morgan, two in cowboy attire and 1 in street clothes, and were taken about the mid 1920’s. 5x7” Nitrate film.
(biography posted by High Desert Museum:) Born in 1905 on the family ranch at Post, Crook County, central Oregon, Frank Morgan spent a lifetime buckarooing for ranches across the High Desert. It is clear he wanted the photographer to focus on his silver inlaid spade bit, rawhide reins and California style spurs. In this proud pose it identifies him as a buckaroo, a horseman with traditions beginning in California over a century earlier. Still remembered today by ranch families and aging buckaroos across the High Desert, a lifetime on horseback ended at the age of 80, when Frank was bucked off of a horse while roping at a branding.