9305-A4609-3. General Wainwright meets Celilo Indians, November 15, 1945. Wainwright was a four star general who had recently been liberated from thirty nine months of captivity as a Japanese prisoner of war. At the time, he was America's most famous hero of the war, having endured the Battan Death March and torture in captivity. He was making a national tour of appearances to promote the war bond drive. For personal reasons, he requested a detour from his itinerary so he could visit Celilo Falls. After his visit, he resumed his tour and made a speech in The Dalles, then traveled to Hood River and on to Portland for more speeches and a national radio broadcast. Henry Thompson is speaking with General Wainwright. Chief Tommy Thompson and Charley Quitoken (Quetukhin, Quittacken, Quitalkin) are also present.
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