"Balfour, Guthrie & Co. grain elevator. Irving dock. Site for new Elevator. February 18, 1953." published in Oregonian February 19, 1953. Headline: "Dock Board, Grain Firm Bare Plans For Erection of $2,500,000 Elevator" caption: This is the site for a $2,500,000 grain elevator which the dock commission and Balfour, Guthrie & company, Ltd,, propose to erect during next year. It will adjoin the Irving Dock and elevator, shown here, and main part will be between railroad cars in foreground and the river, just north of Broadway bridge. Test borings now are being made on site as engineering start." (Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Bunge Grain, Permanente Cement dock, Cargill Irving grain elevator, ECSI # 5561, 800 N. River St.)
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