9305-A4292A. Meeting of tribal delegates held at The Dalles, Oregon, on February 23, 1939, to discuss damages to fishing sites and stations by the flooding of Bonneville Dam. The following delegates were present: Warm springs delegates: Frank Queahpama, Jerry Bruno, John Polk, Isaac McKinley. Umatilla delegation: George Red Hawk, Allen Patowa, Jim Kesine, Jim Billy. Yakima delegation: Thomas Yallup, Alex Saluskin, David Miller, Philip Olney. Other Indian groups represented: Rock Creek Indians: William Yallup, Willie John, Jimmy George. Celilo: Tommy Thompson, Cascade: Henry Charley. Officials present: Superintendents O.L. Babcock of Umatilla Agency, J. W. Elliot of Warm Springs Agency and M. A. Johnson of Yakima Agency; Mr. Shoemaker, representing the War Department. (Information from document in Bureau of Indian Affairs, Record Group 75, The National Archives, Seattle Branch.)
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